East Tiger Easts Hockey Club Click to Register for 2025
Contact: 0491 244 134

Tiger Turf

Easts Hockey Tiger Turf  is a new generation state of the art International standard synthetic hockey surface known as TigerTurf WETT (water efficient TigerTurf). This surface is a fully tested and approved to international playing levels. See certificates and test results attached. It is a water based surface (it has no sand dressing). It was selected after an extensive evaluation of the surfaces offered by the three main suppliers of hockey surfaces.

This new generation Hockey surface is made from polyethylene yarn(many existing surfaces are polyprolyene) made by a German supplier– Schramm. The benefits of this yarn are:

  • Although initially more expensive to purchase it is extremely durable providing a longer life expectancy – eight year guarantee.
  • Little sign of deformation or change after extensive wear testing.
  • 50 per cent less water required on the playing surface.
  • Less friction between ball and surface resulting in a faster more consistent game and improved  grip that allows the player to dictate the play not the ground

This type of surface has now been installed in many locations around Australia and the world.

If you would like any further information about our facility please contact us on management@eastshockey.org.au
or mobile on 0491 244 134.

To book a field, select “Turf Bookings (Duktag)” from the menu.